Jessica Leggett

I attended the Ashwell Prison paranormal investigation on the 25th of November and despite doing investigations with my own equipment before, this investigation was definitely the most active i’ve done – from bangs and footsteps to receiving names, full sentences, screams and gunshots through the spirit box via the Estes Method. Not only was this … Read more

Tayla Lauren

Last night myself, my sister and my cousin attended the Ghost Hunt at Ashwell Prison. I’ve been on one previous ghost hunt in the past, but this was a very different experience. I’m always one that will try to debunk every bit of evidence, and always believe that someone is pushing a table or the … Read more

Ashwell Prison

Ashwell Prison is immense in size and enclosed behind high fencing. The location gives ghost hunters a real creep factor by day, but come night it takes on a real dark and sinister appearance.