VOTE FOR HAUNTED HOUSES EVENTS in this years Paranormal Entertainment Awards 2019

paranormal entertainment awards 2019

Haunted Houses Events is extremely proud to of been nominated for the “Best Paranormal Events Team 2019” in the Paranormal Entertainments Awards 2019.

Our nomination for this award is all down to our past and present guests, who have each taken the time to nominate us for this award. To make the final five as a finalist is just incredibly humbling.

We are up against some giant competition, such as the huge and successful Haunted Happenings, the ghost hunting with celebrities Most Haunted Experience, and the creative HD Paranormal.

Haunted Houses Events are proud to give that small team investigation feel, based on friendliness, passion and that sense of “knowing us for years” which we strive to create.

If you have attended a Haunted Houses Events ghost hunt, and you enjoyed your time with us – then we would really appreciate your vote.

Can we win? Who knows … we are up against some teams with a massive fan base. but with your help we can really give it a try.

Should you wish to vote for Haunted Houses in the 2019 paranormal awards, you can do so HERE – Votes close at midnight, 30th November 2019. And the winners will be announced on the 9th December 2019.

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